Friday, August 8, 2008

Swimming in a sea of emotion...

I am about 130 pages or so into New Moon. Not good. I hate Edward for leaving Bella, and I am not happy about Bella rebounding to Jacob (sorry to all the Jacob fans out there, but Bella is rebounding to him, and hard).

I think it's a good thing that I know from talking with Heather when she read the series that Edward comes back in New Moon. If I didn't know he was coming back I think I might be a little bit of a wreck. Yeah, go ahead and laugh.


Nielson News said...

I know how you feel! I was one who looked a little bit ahead just to see if Edward comes back. Then I finished reading. Sad, I know. Keep it up, it gets really interesting. :D

Anonymous said...

AHHH I was really depressesd in New Moon. All of her sadness went straight to me.